
  • Ending the Year with Reflection

    I was flipping back through some old journals and was surprised to find how many years I had been working on the same goals–not so much work goals, but what I wanted out of life goals–relationships, fitness, etc. 

    What was missing, was time spent on self reflection. It is only from a realistic assessment of what's working and what's not that you can begin to make adjustments to what you are doing and how you are doing it. Only then can you effectively plan for change and forward progression. 

  • How to Enjoy Winter Instead of Dreading It

    Fight Seasonal Depression & Make Progress on Your Dreams in Winter; Even if you hate the cold or struggle with seasonal depression, winter brings about so many things to celebrate and savor—you just have to be willing to look. We encourage women to indulge in the slowness and quiet of winter to...