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Page 103 of the Spring 2022 JMB Living Journal

Sometimes we allow our lives to become too full without even realizing it. When this happens, we can become so overwhelmed that it feels like everything is important and saying no isn’t an option.

It’s times like these that it is crucial to take a step back and reevaluate everything that you spend time doing. Try looking at each area of your life separately as if you were putting it under a microscope looking for clues for how you can restructure and do things differently. Start with the big picture such as “work” and then break that down into further components to analyze.

Plot this out on paper with plenty of space to let ideas flow. Look closely at what takes your time, how much value it provides, if it even needs to be done and if someone else could do it.

How to simplify your life

Here is the blank version for you to download and work on your own.
Click the image to download the worksheet from Pinterest or save it to your own Pinterest board to revisit at key points in your life as your responsibilities shift!

Simplify My Life Worksheet

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