
Shaved Cauliflower Salad Creations

May 26, 2020 Julie Barlow

That is one of the great things about a cauliflower salad - it holds up well with no wilting and is just as appetizing on day three as it was on day one.  Okay, well pretty darn close anyway.  And if all this isn’t reason enough to add these to your summer salad favs, add the fact that cauliflower is low in calories, but jam packed with vitamins and minerals.  In addition, it is high in both fiber and antioxidants and is low in carbs for those of you trying to stick to a low carb diet.

Is a Qi Deficiency Causing my Lack of Sleep?

May 19, 2020 Julie Barlow

What on earth is a Qi deficiency you may ask and what could it possibly have to do with my lack of sleep?  That was my first question too when I had an herbal consultation with a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner last fall to see if there might be an herbal remedy to help me sleep better.

10 Ways to Press Pause on the Worry Button

May 12, 2020 Julie Barlow

10 suggestions for pressing pause on the worry button, whether you are worried about what your financial picture may look like at the end of this pandemic or you are concerned about your health or the health of a loved one or even anxious about relationship challenges caused by close quarter quarantining.

Creating Your New Normal

May 05, 2020 Julie Barlow

As you ponder what your new normal will look like in the coming months and after the pandemic is over, it might be a good idea to give some focused attention to what brings you joy and actively create your own personal new normal. In this post, you’ll find some ideas and techniques about how to purposefully craft your unique new normal in a way that will bring you greater joy and more inner peace.

Simple Ways to Clean from the Inside Out

Apr 24, 2020 Julie Barlow

While you are busy scrubbing all those frequently used surfaces, a spring cleaning on your insides will go a long way to strengthen your immune system and keep you healthy as well.

Rituals to Multiple Joy

Jun 29, 2019 Julie Barlow

I keep pondering the ending to a yoga class I recently took from Rachel Roberts, owner of The Yoga Bar studios. As we rested in savasana, she told us about a nightly ritual shared by her and her husband…

An Uncomplicated Life

Jun 27, 2019 Julie Barlow

Ah Corsica, dare I speak of you for fear the secret spread and taint your unspoiled beauty? What is it about you that lures me back time and again?

Zucchini Spirals – Delighting in the Bounty of Summer

Jun 27, 2019 Julie Barlow

Ah the dog days of summer; too hot to move; too hot to fire up the oven, so time to get creative in the kitchen…

One Breath. One Berry. Blackberry Escape.

Jun 11, 2019 Julie Barlow

The days have been a little crazy lately. I can’t seem to find enough time for all I want to accomplish. This is a challenge I’ve worked on for years and while some weeks I deal with it better than others, my monkey mind was really chattering away this morning...

You Can Learn a New Language

May 28, 2019 Julie Barlow

While many people swear by Rosetta Stone, it requires you to set aside time specifically to devote to your language learning experience. Since my days are already jam packed, I prefer to squeeze my practice into the drive to and from the office. If you want to limit your learning time to listening in the car, on your phone etc., a couple of popular options include the following:

Ideas via Meditation

May 28, 2019 Julie Barlow

Today – feeling amazed recognizing that knowledge already known, yet buried deep in subconscious, can be uncovered by spending a mere fraction of the day in purposeful silence.

Mindfulness goes Mainstream

May 28, 2019 Julie Barlow

This is an enlightening read written by David Gelles. I had no idea that the practice of Mindfulness is quietly becoming mainstream and that many corporations have developed mindfulness programs for their employees…

Preserved Lemons

May 28, 2019 Julie Barlow

I’ve got a thing for lemons, but lately the love affair has taken a new twist.